What to Expect 7 Days After Hair Transplant Surgery
Immediate Post-Surgical Care
After the hair transplant, the first few days play a critical role in obtaining the desired results. Because of the extraction and insertion periods, both the donor and recipient zones are bruised, leaving red dot-like holes where harvested grafts were removed. The bruising, which wears off after 7 to 10 days, is just a sign that your hair transplant is healing naturally. CliniquePlus takes care of all the precautions and assists you with all of the precautions necessary. Severe pain after surgery is uncommon, although you may experience tenderness in some cases. Your surgeon will give you pain relievers to help alleviate the pain. It is critical to follow his instructions to ensure a safe recovery.
Critical Milestones Within the First Week
Managing Discharge
For the first 1 to 2 nights, one should expect some discharge from the treated areas. This could include blood or plasma.
Dealing with Swelling
Of course, swelling is normal post-transplant, especially around the forehead and eyes. However, one may notice a particular peak in swelling around days 6-7. Subsequently, the swelling will start subsiding progressively. Patients are advised to keep their heads elevated at all times, including while asleep or using electronic devices, to control swelling.
Special Considerations 7 Days After Hair Transplant
By seven days, the first crucial stage period passed. The scalp might still feel sensitive and susceptible. Patients should ensure nothing interferes with the healing scalp, including extreme treatments or environments.
Scabbing and Itching
Healing might be accompanied by itching and scabbing in the treated areas. However, it is indicative of the normal healing process and should diminish within 7-10 days after transplantation.
Shock Loss
Moreover, shedding hair from the transplanted or surrounding areas should not cause too much concern. The phenomenon of shock loss is a normal response to the trauma of transplantation, and it is usually temporary.
Frequently Asked Questions
How Long Until I See Results?
Following a hair transplant, time is of the essence. Hair growth becomes noticeable as early as 4-6 months post-operation and becomes more apparent after around 12 months. The transplanted hair’s full manifestation and mature form will be apparent by 18 months. During these 18 months, the cycle of healing and growth will occur in the small, circularly shaped transplanted hair.
Can I Wash My Hair?
During the initial two days following the surgery, it is critical not to wash your hair to allow the newly transplanted grafts to become established. Your clinic will provide you with information on cleaning your hair by providing you with proper washing videos. Normal washing of your hair can resume after the transplanted scabs drop from 10 to 14 days after the conclusion of surgery.
What About Using a Hair Dryer?
For the first six months post-transplant, it is advisable to let your hair air dry. If you must use a hair dryer, set it to a low heat to avoid damaging the new hair follicles.
When Can I Comb My Hair?
You can comb your donor area immediately after the procedure. However, the recipient area should not be combed until at least two weeks have passed to prevent dislodging the new grafts.
Can I Get a Haircut?
You may have a haircut one month after the procedure. Use clippers for the donor area if necessary, but scissors are recommended for the recipient area during the first three months to avoid pulling on the new grafts.
Is Hair Dye Safe After Surgery?
Avoid using chemical hair dyes on the newly transplanted hair for the first 6-8 weeks post-transplant. Chemicals can interfere with the healing process and might damage the new hair follicles.
Can I Smoke or Drink Alcohol?
Smoking and drinking alcohol are discouraged following your hair transplant. Smoking should be ceased at least 12 hours before the procedure and not resumed for at least two weeks post-surgery to ensure proper healing. Alcohol should be avoided for the first 14 days to prevent any negative effects on the recovery process.
What About Exercise?
Refrain from any form of exercise for the first two weeks after your transplant to avoid excessive sweating and possible infection. Light exercise can be resumed after two weeks, but avoid heavy lifting and high-impact sports for at least one month.
Can I Wear a Hat?
You can wear a loose-fitting hat provided by your clinic 4-5 days after the surgery to protect the scalp from sun exposure. However, avoid tight hats and any headwear that could press against the grafts for the first 10-14 days.
How Should I Protect My Scalp from the Sun?
Avoid direct sunlight exposure for the first six months post-surgery to prevent any potential harm such as extensive scar formation or altered pigmentation. When outdoors, wear a hat or apply sunscreen with an SPF of 30 to 50.
When Can I Return to Work?
The ability to return to work depends on the nature of your job. If your work is less physically demanding, such as an office job, you may be able to return within 3-5 days. For more strenuous jobs, it is advisable to wait at least 14 days.
When Can I Travel?
Traveling is generally safe after your hair transplant; however, care should be taken to protect the treated areas. Avoid any activities during your trip that might stress the transplanted hair or expose the scalp to potential harm.
What Should I Do If Swelling Worsens?
If you notice increasing swelling, apply cold compressions for 10 minutes every hour and gently massage the area to help reduce the swelling. If the swelling does not improve or you have concerns, contact your healthcare provider.
By adhering to these guidelines and closely following the advice of your healthcare provider, you can ensure a smooth recovery and optimal results from your hair transplant procedure. CLINIQUEPLUS is committed to supporting you throughout this journey, providing expert guidance and care every step of the way.