Brow Lift

Eyebrow saggings might be due to genetic structure, aging, frequent weight gain and loss. Any patient who is bothered by sagging eyebrows can benefit from eyebrow lift treatment and achieve the aesthetic appearance they desire. Eyebrow lifting surgery, performed under general anesthesia or sedation, is performed with a few centimeter incision in the hairy area through the temporal area.

If you want to get rid of the changes in facial expression and tired appearance due to eyebrow saggings, you can take advantage of the application.

What is Brow Lift?

Brow lift is an aesthetic operation that is performed to lift droopy eyebrows and to prevent deep eyebrow wrinkles. You can get rid of the drooping appearance of the forehead, upper eyelids and eyebrow skin by using the brow lift. Eyebrow aesthetics easily lifts the eyebrows and removes sagging skin.

Factors such as facial form and shape, structure of organs such as nose and eyes, current position of eyebrows and frown lines are considered. The structure of the eyebrows affects the appearance of the face. Factors such as aging, rapid weight loss, and droopy upper eyelid may also lead the person to the eyebrow lift process. Eyelid drooping and eyebrow lift aesthetics can be performed at the same time.

Brow lift cosmetic procedure is applied with incision method. The incision site is from the temples to the eyebrows. It is done endoscopically and under general or local anesthesia. The decision is made after the anesthesiologist assesses the patient’s suitability for anesthesia and as a result of a consensus between the doctor and the patient.

How is Brow Lift Performed?

The eyebrow lift, which is performed under general anesthesia, takes 1 to 2 hours. You may need to stay in the hospital overnight after the procedure. The brow lift is a cosmetic operation and the patient’s medical history is reviewed prior to surgery. If there is no disease or special health condition that prevents surgery, the brow lift appointment is scheduled.

Sagging brow can disturb the person psychologically. If the person does not like the appearance, this state of mind may reduce self-esteem. In addition, the eyebrow structure has an impact on the person’s gestures and facial expressions. Reflecting their emotions with facial expressions is an important advantage that allows the person to express themselves better. After the eyebrow lift, all the instructions given by the doctor must be followed.

Eyebrow lift is not a painful operation. There will be a slight swelling. In order for the swelling to heal faster, the patient should keep his or her head elevated.

The patient can apply a cold compress around the eyes. The first dressing for the incision area is applied by the doctor. The Brow lift recovery time is not long. One week after the surgery, the patient can return to his daily routine.

What Are the Types of Brow Lift?

You have three options for an eyebrow lift. The clinic where you are treated will determine the most appropriate procedure for your needs and perform the aesthetic surgery.

Classic Brow Lift Technique

In a classic brow lift, a long incision is made at the level of your ear and extends upward around your hairline. This procedure is not preferred by most surgeons. In exceptional cases, a classic brow lift may be performed to achieve the desired result.

Endoscopic Eyebrow Lift

Endoscopic brow lift is less damaging than classic procedure because the incisions are smaller. This method leaves no visible scars and tightens the skin from the hairline to the eyebrows by lifting it.

Temporary Eyebrow Lift

The temporary brow lift requires slightly longer incisions than the endoscopic surgery.

Who is the Right Candidate for Brow Lift?

Any candidate who has undergone the necessary examinations and received the doctor’s approval can benefit from the eyebrow lift procedure.

The following candidates can also have brow lift surgery:

  • Complaining of wrinkles on the forehead,
  • Looking for a solution to drooping eyebrows,
  • Wanting to have a younger and more aesthetic facial appearance,
  • Those who want to get rid of the lines created by the frown
  • If you wish, you can combine brow lift surgery with other plastic surgery procedures such as facelift or eyelid surgery. You will definitely notice the difference after the brow lift operation.

Discover the Advantages of Brow Lift in Turkey with CLINIQUEPLUS.

CLINIQUEPLUS meets your expectations with its experienced staff and the service it provides in accredited hospitals. We will guide you from the first to the last phase of your treatment, will allow you to achieve natural results with eyebrow lifting. For detailed information you can fill in the form and contact us.



1. Does brow lift open my eyes?

Yes, as your eyebrows will be raised, your eyes will open significantly.

2. Does brow lift cause a change in eye shape?

Although it does not cause a big change, the difference will be understandable. With this procedure, you will get a younger look.

3. Is brow lift painful?

Since general anesthesia will be given in the operation, you will not be exposed to pain. It is aimed to alleviate your pain with painkillers after the procedure.

4. Is brow lift permanent?

Although the brow lift process has a permanent effect in general, the effect of aging and your lifestyle on the skin should not be ignored.

5. Are there any side effects of the eyebrow lift procedure?

You may experience side effects such as bleeding and swelling.

6. When will I return to daily routine after eyebrow lifting?

You can return to your daily routine within 10 to 14 days.

7. Will there be scars after eyebrow lifting?

As time passes, the scars fade.


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